Technology has radically changed the world of healthcare. From the use of AI to read diagnostic reports to IoT devices used in hospitals to ensure their smooth functioning of departments – we are at the threshold of a revolution in healthcare. A great example of the role of technology in the healthcare industry is the heart rate monitor that can detect irregular heart rhythms. In the future, these seemingly simple devices will evolve to feature much more advanced sensors and predictive capabilities. That being said, hospitals worldwide are seeing the transformational power of digital technology. A glimpse of this future evolution is seen in the from of a present-day central hub that tracks patient and doctor activity, medicine supply and energy usage of IoT enabled medical devices. The role of technology in the healthcare industry is limitless.

How InnoWave makes a difference

ViGIE Solutions is InnoWave’s subsidiary that provides IoT solutions for the healthcare industry. In the form of a wide range of monitoring devices that help hospitals to keep track of their physical assets. This includes facility temperature detection, CO2 monitoring, HVAC and security. ViGie’s mobile and web apps provide access to real-time analytics with a dashboard that has proven to be a game changer for our customers. We also offer custom AI solutions that can be used by healthcare providers to analyse large amounts of patient data. This includes using predictive AI capabilities that can determine outcomes automatically from source data. InnTeract our chatbot platform can be repurposed to answer medical queries and provide guidance to elderly patients.

Digital Experiences

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