

The telecommunications industry has seen a significant jump in demands due to an ever-increasing demand for OTT services and the never-ending evolution of smartphones. These key disruptors along with others such as; self-driving cars, robotic surgery, IoT applications and holographic displays are just a few of the developments that are going to shape the near future. Considering this, a one-size-fits-all approach is an obsolete method to follow when developing technology driven solutions.

How InnoWave makes a difference

We leverage emerging technologies to deliver cutting-edge solutions. Our IoT help Telcos upgrade their existing infrastructure to enable the deployment of B2B and B2C solution. The AI tool from InnoWave can be used to further strengthen the presence and approach of a Telcos, to help them lower costs while offering more efficient services and products. The InnTeract tool can be used to boost the efficiency of the services by simplifying the creation of chatbots. If hardware perfection is your key focus area, employ our InnSpect tool that will provide insights into the quality of broadcasts.

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Utility companies have faced significant challenges in the past decade. There has been a trend of government utilities being privatised a worldwide scale. The demands and expectations of customers have also changed over the years. Now, customers want top-of-the-line customer support, uninterrupted services and the ability to manage and upgrade their service packages at will. This has created technological challenges for the utilities industries forcing them to improve their technical infrastructure. To remain profitable, they must embrace the latest technologies like blockchain, digital transformation and big data analytics. Concurrently, there has also been an increase in regulatory pressures on utilities. Government regulators around the world are demanding that utility companies to become more efficient and environmentally conscious.

How InnoWave makes a difference

InnoWave provides digital transformation services to utilities companies of all sizes. Our digital transformation services include analysing your critical business processes to remove bottlenecks and optimising traditional processes to increase efficiency. This offering is most useful for older organisations that want to become more productive and make better use of their existing resources. Our IoT offerings lets utilities upgrade their existing infrastructure to create new integrated solutions by connecting existing sensors.
Our artificial intelligence offerings also allow for the analysis of legacy data to create predictive models. InnTeract our chatbot platform is a highly customisable and domain agnostic solution that is suitable for organisations of all sizes. InnTeract lets you create chatbots that offer 24/7 customer support and can use your existing product data to upsell services.

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Financial Services & Insurance

Financial Services & Insurance

The past decade has seen newer and more competitive insurance and financial services companies disrupt niche sectors, making survival in the market very challenging. Well-established companies must not only survive but also thrive to avoid getting crushed by the enormous challenge ahead of them. With the pressure mounting due the entrance of agile-based fintech companies, old-time giants need to find innovative ways to upgrade their products and services to ensure they do not lose customers.

How InnoWave makes a difference

With cloud platform building as one of our expertise, we can help upscale companies and empower them to expand and leverage all the potential they have. We also have other innovative products such as InnTeract, our AI product, that can offer valuable insights from the unprocessed customer data. The market can be fully explored with the help of emerging technologies like blockchain, big data and AI. InnoWave drives transformation that can help your business evolve, adapt, and establish a better standing in the market. With InnoWave as a partner, success is never out of reach.

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Manufacturing is the process of turning raw materials or parts into finished goods through the use of tools, human labor, machinery, and/or chemical processing. Since the first industrial revolution introducing mechanization and steam power through assembly line mass production (2nd), computer and automation (3rd) until the ongoing 4th revolution – industry 4.0, the manufacturing paradigm has evolved and faces new challenges; high efficiency, sustainable and smart manufacturing systems driven by available production data.

InnoWave's role in this industry

InnoWave works together with its manufacturing clients to ensure a consistent high level of product quality and reduce waste save resources and empower manufacturing staff by making use of Indutry 4.0 enablers, such as industrial Iot, asset sensorization, cloud computing, big data and data analytics and AI predictive models.

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